26th February 8pm, Divine Word Parish Centre
The Annual General Meeting of the Marley Grange Residents’ Association will be held on Tuesday 26th February 2019 at 8:00pm in the Divine Word Parish Centre. Refreshments will be served from 7:30pm onwards. There will also be a raffle at the end of the evening.
All current members are encouraged to attend. This event is your best opportunity for face-to-face communication with the committee and fellow residents on topics of interest to us all. Membership cannot be acquired on the night and the AGM is only open to residents who have paid their 2018 subscription.
Any current member who wishes to propose a motion at the AGM should please submit it by email to the Secretary ( by 20th February at the latest.
If you are interested in joining the MGRA Committee for 2019, we’d love to hear from you.
Annual AGM 20th February 2018 at 8pm
The Annual General Meeting of the Marley Grange Residents Association will be held on Tuesday 20th February 2018 at 8:00pm in the Divine Word Parish Centre. Refreshments will be served from 7:30pm onwards.
All members are encouraged to attend. This event is your best opportunity for face-to-face communication with the committee and fellow residents on topics of interest to us all. We will not have the logistics to take membership fees on the night and the AGM is only open to residents who have paid their 2017 subscription. If you wish to attend and have not paid, please contact us at by 18th February.
Any member who wishes to propose a motion at the AGM should please submit it by email to the Secretary, John Sweeney (, by 15th February at the latest.
Some changes to the association’s Constitution will be proposed at the AGM. The revised wording (highlighted in grey and yellow) may be seen in the side bar to the right of the main website page under ‘Learn More’ and then clicking on the link that appears (or by clicking here).
Annual AGM 21st February 2017 8pm
The annual Marley Grange Residents Association will take place on Tuesday 21th Feb 2017 at 8.00pm. All Marley Grange residents who are members of the association are welcome to attend. The AGM will take approximately 2 hours and all residents who have paid their 2016 subscription are entitled to attend the AGM, and we would encourage as many of the eligible households as possible to attend on the night and have their say. This is an opportunity to hear about the work that has gone on in the last year, the plans for 2017 and have your say.
The 2016 subscriptions are now closed off but anyone who still wishes to pay please contact us at before 18th of February and we will take the fee. We will have not have the logistically capabilities on the night to take past due fees.
AGM – Tuesday 16th Feb 2016 at 8.00pm Parish Centre
The annual Marley Grange Residents Association will take place on Tuesday 16th Feb 2016 at 8.00pm. All Marley Grange residents who are members of the association are welcome to attend. The AGM will take approximately 2 hours and all residents who have paid their 2015 subscription are entitled to attend the AGM, and we would encourage as many of the eligible households as possible to attend on the night and have their say. This is an opportunity to hear about the work that has gone on in the last year, the plans for 2016 and have your say.
The 2015 subscriptions are now closed off but anyone who still wishes to pay please contact us at before 9th of February and we will take the fee. We will have not have the logistically capabilities on the night to take past due fees. Any residents who are not eligible to attend this AGM will be very welcome to pay their 2016 subscription this summer and attend the February 2017 AGM.
Reminder Marley Grange Residents Association AGM Tonight 17th Feb 8pm
A reminder that our AGM for Marley Grange Residents Association members is tonight 17th of February at 8pm in the Parish center.
2015 Committee & Motions for AGM
We are fortunate that many of the 2014 committee have put themselves forward to serve again in 2015. This puts us in a good position to seamlessly continue the work of the committee into the new year. However, we could also benefit from some new committee members and fresh thinking. We would like to encourage as many people as possible to put themselves forward as candidates for the 2015 committee. If you are interested in sending a motion for the AGM or being a member of committee, please contact by the 10th of February. We will also accept new committee member nominations on the night of the AGM 17th of February at 8pm in the Parish center.
The Annual General Meeting of the Marley Grange Residents’ Association will be held on Tuesday the 17th of February 2015 in the Divine Word Parish Centre at 8pm. Refreshments will be served from 7:30 onwards, and there will also be a raffle at the end of the evening.
All members are encouraged to attend. This event is your best opportunity for face to face communication with the committee and fellow residents on topics of interest to us all, including the Concerts and hear what the committee has been working on for the last year on your behalf.
Minutes of the Feb 2014 AGM
Click here for the Marley Grange 2014 AGM Minutes are now available.