Constitution of Marley Grange Residents’ Association
a. The Association shall be called Marley Grange Residents’ Association. This may be shortened to MGRA in correspondence or other documentation.
b. The Association shall cater for paid up members of the Association.
c. The Association shall be non-political and non-sectarian.
a. A Committee shall be elected annually to supervise the affairs of the Association by members assembled at the A.G.M.
b. The Committee shall be elected to include:
- Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- and a minimum of five committee members.
c. The number of Committee members shall not exceed ten, including the Hon. Chairperson, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.
d. Exceptionally, if insufficient numbers are available to form a full committee, an interim Committee numbering no less than 5 members can be formed. This interim Committee shall co-opt additional members at the earliest possible date to achieve a full complement of Committee members.
e. No member shall hold the same officer post for any consecutive period longer than four years.
f. Four persons shall be required for a quorum at a Committee meeting.
g. The Chairperson shall abstain from any initial vote, but he / she shall have a casting vote in the event of a tied vote on any particular issue.
h. In the event of the resignation of a Committee member, the Committee shall be empowered to co-opt a consenting member of the Association to the Committee.
i. The Committee shall be empowerd to appoint Sub-committees where deemed necessary and members of the Committee have power to attend any such meetings.
j. The Committee shall be empowerd to dissolve any such Sub-committees failing to discharge its specified obligations.
a. The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the end February each year.
b. No person shall be nominated to the Committee unless he/she is present at the A.G.M. except being absent due to personal illness, bereavement or work commitments. In such circumstances, nominations shall be accompanied by the written consent of the person nominated.
c. For an Extraordinary General Meeting to be convened, a petition in writing and signed by at least twenty households who are paid up members of the Association, must be forwarded to the Committee. Members must receive 14 days advance notice of the E.G.M.
d. Representatives of twenty households shall form a quorum for an A.G.M. or an E.G.M.
e. Each household shall have one vote at an A.G.M. or an E.G.M.
a. The financial year ends on 31st January each year.
b. The annual subscriptions fall due on February 1st each year.
c. Annual subscriptions shall be agreed by members at the A.G.M.
d. New residents shall be granted free membership of the Association for their first year living in the estate.
e. One member of the Association shall be elected at the A.G.M. to audit the Association’s books and records at the end of the financial year. For the avoidance of doubt this member of the Association must not be an officer or other member of the Committee.
f. If it is not possible to form a committee or an interim committee at the AGM, two trustees shall be appointed and the Association shall be suspended. The financial affairs shall be handled by two trustees, who will be empowered only to spend €7,500 of funds per annum on landscaping activities and any ongoing liability for expenditure. Once the Association is suspended it shall remain in this state until an EGM is called and a committee is successfully elected. If all funds in the Association are exhausted before such an event, the Association shall be deemed to have been wound up.
a. Any proposals or suggestions should be forwarded to the Committee in writing.
b. The Committee shall have power to expel or suspend any member or members who act or behave in a manner detrimental to the interests of the Association. The offending member or members should be summoned before a meeting of the Committee within 14 days.
c. The withdrawal, addition or alteration of any rule in the Constitution must be passed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting at A.G.M.
d. The Committee is provisionally empowered to settle any point not provided for here. If and when such decisions are taken, they should be subject to ratification at the A.G.M.