MGRA have been informed by DLRCC Water Services under the direction of Irish Water, that they will be turning off the water supply on Marley Lawn to carry our a water leak repair outside 1 Marley Lawn.
This repair is scheduled from 10.30 am tomorrow Friday 26th Sept and you can expect the cut-off to occur anytime after that. We don’t know how long the cut-off will be for, but recent experience of this type of repair would indicate 1-3 hours.
However if the DLRCC crew are called to another more urgent water problem tomorrow, this repair may have to be rescheduled to another day and in this event we will update you on our web
Residents should avoid using washing machines, dishwashers etc when they are aware the water is turned off.
Gay McGrath, Council Liaison, MGRA 25th September 2014