MGRA are continually striving to help improve road safety throughout the estate. Feedback following last year’s DLR pilot speed-calming initiative was very promising. However we are awaiting the final outcome to determine whether speed restrictions will be implemented. We have been advised that this may be a lengthy process. Earlier this year we requested the installation additional cautionary signage, which now features in areas with high volumes of children. We are also currently engaging with DLR regarding revision and improvement of road markings at particularly troublesome spots within the estate. We thank all residents for the support and commitment they continue to provide to these endeavours.
Recent years have seen a significant drop in road fatalities in Ireland, particularly among children. This is largely due to the introduction of safety legislation around driving. However, the top five factors in road deaths remain: 1) Speeding, 2) No seatbelts, 3) Drink and drugs, 4) Fatigue, 5) Distraction. MGRA encourage all residents to remain vigilant to all issues of road safety concern that they witness or encounter within our neighbourhood.