Upcycle Competition

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is hosting an upcycle exhibition in partnership with IADT (Institute of Art, Design and Technology) at the Lexicon Theatre this December.

As part of this project we’re looking for local resident groups to get involved by upcycling everyday household items, with some great prizes on offer.

The 5 best designs will win €200 for their chosen resident group and will be displayed alongside other fabulous upcycled designs at the exhibition. What’s more the designers will receive a plus one invite to the most prestigious Victorian Garden Party of the year, hosted by Lord and Lady of WEEElandia!

Ley your imagination run wild and create wonderful new uses for those items you’d normally throw away and help inspire others to find new uses for every-day household items.

A Google Search of ‘Upcycle’ will provide you with plenty of inspiration, the daring might also search ‘Steampunk’ for more wonderful reuse inspiration…

Please email environ@dlrcoco.ie for further details and to register your interest.

Dean Eaton

Acting EAO

Emergency access to estate

Once again the estate will suffer a “lock down” at the end of each of the Longitude concert nights. The committee share the view of the majority of residents and would prefer if such road closures could be avoided, but to date there has been no viable solution found to this perennial issue. The main concern, access to the estate by emergency services, has at least been provided for in the Garda traffic management plan. As with last year we have been assured that:

Access for Emergency Services to all areas will be maintained during the periods of Road Closures. In the event that an emergency occurs an escort team, consisting of trained Garda Motorcyclists, will be detailed to complete this escort. This is a facility that would not be available on a normal basis and will result in a more timely response for access and egress to Emergency Services personnel and vehicles.

Traffic restrictions on Grange Road

In addition to the closure of Grange Road at the end of the Longitude concerts, the Gardai have implemented traffic restrictions in advance of the concerts. The restrictions will particularly apply at the Stonemasons Way / Grange Road junction. Residents are advised that there is no right turn into the Lidl carpark when approaching from the M50, and there is no right turn when leaving the Lidl carpark when heading towards Rathfarnham on the Grange Road. This restriction is “for security reasons” according to the Gardai and Dun Laoghaire rathdown County Council,

Meeting in Dún Laoghaire to discuss the natural waters of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Area

We received this notice from Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Public Participation Network in case anyone is interested:

Our streams, rivers and coasts add to the quality of life in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown. If you have an interest in the water quality, biodiversity, heritage or recreation activities of any of these you may be interested in attending a meeting on:

Tuesday 4th July, 6.45-8pm, dlr Lexicon library (Meeting Room 4, Level 5)

The purpose of the meeting is to gather opinions and feedback about issues affecting local streams, rivers and beaches, provide an opportunity for local communities to get more involved in the management of their local water bodies and provide information about the latest draft River Basin Management Plan.

The meeting is being run by the Local Waters and Communities Office, in partnership with DLR County Council and the Public Participation Network.

More information about the event is available here


BBQ Reminder

Just a quick reminder that there are two more days to confirm your tickets to the MGRA annual barbecue on Friday 16th June. Please don’t miss out.

Annual Barbecue Party! Starts at 6:30pm

Footpath Repair Programme

As announced in our February AGM, funds would be made available by DLRCC in 2017 and 2018 in order to complete the Footpath Repair Programme. We are pleased to see that this repair work has recommenced in Grange Court.

Estate Cleanup – Thank You!

A big thank you to everyone who helped out on Saturday with our estate cleanup right across all areas of Marley Grange. Thanks also to everyone who wasn’t able to participate in the group cleanup but tidied up their own patch on the day and indeed throughout the week. The estate is looking really well just now and let’s do our best to keep it looking that way over the coming summer months! Again your help is much appreciated.

Estate Cleanup on 22 April 2017

Tree care programme

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council parks department have replaced a number of damaged / dead young trees with new saplings. The success of a new sapling is critically dependant on water in the initial months. If you have a new sapling planted outside or near your house perhaps you could give it an occasional watering, particularly if we get any prolonged dry spell.

Outdoor Event Licence – Longitude Festival

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council have received an application for an outdoor event licence for the holding of the Longitude Festival in Marlay Park on 14th / 15th / 16th July 2017. The application was received on 5th April. Under Article 190 of the Planning and Development (Licensing of Outdoor Events) Regulations 2001, individuals or groups are entitled to make submissions to the planning decision process. Details of the event and how to make a submission can be seen at https://dlrcoco.citizenspace.com/planning/oel0217/

The committee will continue to liaise with the council to try and minimise the disruption to residents arising from the concerts. Particular emphasis will be placed on the ongoing concerns arising from road closure at the end of the concerts and the associated risk to emergency service access to the estate during that period.