Tree Removal on Dargle Valley

MGRA have sadly been informed that 20 oak trees, recently planted by DLRCoCo on Dargle Valley, must be removed and destroyed immediately. This is due to the detection of Oak Processionary Moth on one of these trees. Spread of this pest could pose a risk to both tree and human health. DLRCoCo have offered their sincere apology for this, and hope to replace this with alternative planting early next year.

Further information on Oak Processionary Moth is available from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine via this link.

UPDATED: ESB Power Outages – Marley Avenue

UPDATE 10/12/19: MGRA have been informed that two separate faults were identified in the underground network serving Marley Avenue during the investigations on December 4th. These have now been repaired and no other faults have been detected. ESB Networks are confident that no further supply losses will be expected. They have apologised for any inconvenience caused to residents. 

Many of our residents on Marley Avenue and surrounding areas have recently experienced a high volume of power outages. MGRA have been in contact with the ESB Networks to investigate this issue. The Operations Supervisor from ESB Networks has informed us of an intermittent fault with some underground cables in the area. Regrettably the ESB fault detection equipment has been unable to detect to specific location of the fault.

A power outage has been planned for Wednesday 4th December 2019 from 9am to 5pm, of which many residents will have received notification. ESB fault repair crews will attempt to locate and rectify the fault during this period. While this will undoubtedly cause significant inconvenience to residents, it is hoped that future outages will be prevented.

All-Ireland Pollinator Plan

On behalf of MGRA, we thank all those who organised and attended our recent sustainable gardening talk and bulb-planting workshop. Our particular thanks to Aoife Munn for sharing her time, expertise and wealth of experience with us. We have received extremely positive feedback from residents, and we hope to follow their success with similar future events. So please keep an eye on our website and all MGRA correspondence. Meanwhile, for the attention of residents with a keen interest in landscaping and biodiversity, we draw your attention to the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan from the National Biodiversity Data Centre. This offers a wealth of guidance, resources and support to biodiverse-conscious gardeners for all your landscaping endeavours.

Annual Estate Clean-up 2019

Please join your neighbours for the Annual Marley Grange Estate Clean-up next Saturday 27th April 2019 from 10.30am – 12pm. We ask our neighbours give an hour or so of their time for the benefit of all our residents, and remember many hands make light work! There will be refreshments and treats for the kids afterwards. We will meet at the postbox at 10.30am and hope for a great display of community spirit.

Street sweeper on its way


We’ve been advised by DLR County Council that the street sweeper will be coming into the estate in the next few days. Avoiding parking on kerbs where possible will help the sweeper clear the leaves.

Footpath Repair Programme

As announced in our February AGM, funds would be made available by DLRCC in 2017 and 2018 in order to complete the Footpath Repair Programme. We are pleased to see that this repair work has recommenced in Grange Court.

Road Sweeping


Just to remind residents that scheduled Road Sweeping by the Council between October and March each year is suspended. During these months, the Council will attend to road sweeping on any working day of the week and residents are advised to park cars off the road as much as possible. If a car is parked on the road, the Road Sweeper will go around it leaving any leaves which it cannot reach. They will not return to this spot until the next time they visit the estate. MGRA remind the Council of a build-up of leaves as they occur and the Council attend to each estate by their own rota system. As residents see a build-up of leaves happening they can make their contribution to the road sweep being effective and to the safety of pedestrians, by sweeping the leaves off their own section of public footpath.

Tree Care Programme (TCP) Update November 2017

We are pleased to confirm that the 5 year TCP which has been ongoing in Marley Estate, is now completed, with the final few trees crown lifted in the last few weeks. This phased programme which was instigated in 2012, by MGRA in conjunction with The Parks Section, of DLRCC involved the Crown Lifting (pruning) of the 500-600 trees in the Estate, together with the removal of approx. 77 trees which were either diseased and dangerous, or considered too large and unsuitable for a housing estate. In general, when trees were removed, replacement saplings were planted by Parks within the Estate.

The benefits which have resulted from this TCP, means more effective street lighting, less leaves to be swept up, reducing the clogging up of road gullies; and a reduction in damage to underground services and footpaths by tree roots.

Footpath and Road Repairs (FRR)

The 3rd phase of the FRR programme, took place during July and August 2016, when many of the outstanding trip hazards and broken footpaths were repaired. This phase concentrated on Marley Avenue, Lawn, Walk, Grove, Villas, Close, and Dargle Drive. Unfortunately, despite assurances by the Council that all repairs listed by MGRA to Roads Maintenance, would be attended to in 2016, this did not happen because the allocated funds for 2016 were depleted before all repairs in the estate were completed. A number of residents will be disappointed that the repair outside their own house was not attended to during this phase, but we are assured by Roads Maintenance that funds will be available again next year to continue with this programme.

It is appropriate to state again that the final decision as to which footpath on which road, repairs are carried out, is purely a matter for the Council. In June 2014 MGRA carried out an extensive survey of all the footpaths and roads in the estate. This resulted in a 6-page list of 120 FRR items needing attention. This was furnished to DLRCC, Roads Maintenance and has been the basis for the commencement, in Sept 2014 of the FRR programme in Marley Estate. This continued in June/July 2015 when additional funds were made available.  MGRA requested further funds to be included in the Council’s 2016 Budget and the allocation of these funds were confirmed to MGRA at a Deputation Meeting in Jan 2016.

Ideally it would suit the residents if all the footpaths were completely replaced with new ones, but with budget restraints in recent years has not been possible and we have done well with the funds allocated to us. The Council are using the MGRA survey list furnished to them but are also using their own list to carry out repairs. The resultant work completed is of a high standard with extensive areas of footpaths repaired, rather than the patchwork type repairs which we experienced in former years.

Tidy District Awards – 2nd place 2016

We are delighted to announce that Marley Grange has received 2nd place in the DLR Best Housing Estate 201 – 500 houses category 2016. This is our first prize in a few years and we are delighted to be receiving a prize in one of the most competitive categories in the Dun Laoghaire – Rathdown. A special thanks to all our volunteers on cleaning up days, our residents for keeping the verges and their houses looking well and our residents association committee!