MGRA have formally requested a full Road Sweep of the Estate due to the build up of leaves and the Council have said they would have this carried out towards the end of this week i.e. 5-6th November. This could happen earlier depending on when the Road Sweepers become available, so if you have an accumulation of leaves outside your house please ensure your car is parked in the driveway from Wed 4th at 8.00 am, as if the machine cannot sweep due to cars parked they will not return till the next sweep, which could be 2-3 weeks later.
In general, during the months October –March, the scheduled sweeping of estate roads is suspended. This means that road sweeping can take place on any day of the week and sometimes a number of days per month. The rule of thumb is if you want a build up of leaves removed from your road, residents should ensure carsare parked in the driveway.