October Update on Tree Care Programme

Since our previous update a storm on the night of 5/6 Oct took down 2 large trees on Marley Grove, and 3 small ones on Marley Close, Dargle Drive. Luckily there were no injuries or damage particularly on Marley Walk where one tree spanned the road. Although the Council Parks Section have continued with their Tree Care Programme in Marley Walk, Villas, Close and Grove, they have also attended to a number of residents requests in other parts of the estate, MGRA were concerned at progress and arranged a meeting with the District Area Supervisor to discuss. We were informed that following a restructuring of Parks, their area has doubled in size and they are under pressure to comply with their extra work load.

Following the meeting, the Council have agreed to the following:

·         The Council promise to complete the 2014 Tree Care Programme as planned.

·         The Council will not comply with special tree care requests other than those on the scheduled roads. Following a survey of the remaining Sugar Maples in Manor, and Dargle Valley, a contract will be arranged to remove these trees in 2015. We will keep you updated.

·         The Council do not have the resources to remove the remaining root residue where trees have already been removed and we are still in discussion to get this work completed.