Recent Thefts from Cars in Marley Grange

A number of our residents have reported thefts and attempted thefts from cars throughout the estate during recent weeks. It appears that individuals have been patrolling the estate during the night/early hours of the morning checking for unlocked cars. We understand that this has also occurred in neighbouring estates, and is not isolated to Marley Grange.

We encourage all residents who experience this to report it to Rathfarnham Gardaí. It is important that they are kept fully aware of the scale and frequency of this problem. MGRA are currently communicating with the Gardaí to discuss next steps in combating this. Meanwhile, we remind all residents to be vigilant in locking cars at night, and where possible to avoid leaving valuable items in their cars.

Road Safety in Marley Grange

MGRA are continually striving to help improve road safety throughout the estate. Feedback following last year’s DLR pilot speed-calming initiative was very promising. However we are awaiting the final outcome to determine whether speed restrictions will be implemented. We have been advised that this may be a lengthy process. Earlier this year we requested the installation additional cautionary signage, which now features in areas with high volumes of children.  We are also currently engaging with DLR regarding revision and improvement of road markings at particularly troublesome spots within the estate. We thank all residents for the support and commitment they continue to provide to these endeavours.

Recent years have seen a significant drop in road fatalities in Ireland, particularly among children. This is largely due to the introduction of safety legislation around driving. However, the top five factors in road deaths remain: 1) Speeding, 2) No seatbelts, 3) Drink and drugs, 4) Fatigue, 5) Distraction. MGRA encourage all residents to remain vigilant to all issues of road safety concern that they witness or encounter within our neighbourhood.



As the clocks go back, evenings become darker and create ideal opportunities for thieves. As quiet and safe as Marley Grange appears to be we do hear every few weeks of a break in or attempts to break in to people’s houses and cars.

By remembering these simple steps every time, you will make it less attractive to burglars. Doors and Windows should also be locked even when you’re in and alarms part set at night, as thieves are opportunists, and it only takes them a few seconds to enter a property and steal items.

The Garda have this simple three-point message is a reminder to:

* Put the Alarm on
* Lock all Doors and Windows, and
* Leave a Light on when leaving your home empty

Unusual Activity

It was reported to us, 21st of September some individuals perpetrating as window cleaners arrived a house in Grange Court and starting cleaning windows on a ladder. A member of the family arrived home and they quickly left. While they were reported to the Gardai, no arrests have been made yet and the van was hired.

There is alot of work continuously ongoing in Marley Grange to be suspicious of everyone but if you do see something out of the ordinary or something not quite right, please contact Rathfarnham Garda immediately on (01) 666 6500

Security Update December

While December bring a time of good will and festivities, we would ask you be extra vigilant during this time. If you notice any suspicious activity, please report in to Rathfarnham Garda Station.

Our homes are sanctuaries where we should feel safe and secure. We get alot of people calling at our doors at this time of year for charities and that includes Christmas Carols singers. While many are for causes, always remember they may be alterior motives behind the innocent collection. Be aware that they may be trying to establish if your house is a potential target.

If answering the door to charity collectors or carol singers

  • Ensure your back door and windows are locked.
  • Turn on your lights
  • Thank them and say no and contact the charity directly for a donation
  • If you decide to give money, do not leave your door unattended. Close your door and then return with this money
  • Keep an eye from your window on what they do next. If there is anything suspicious please contact the Garda.

In general, during the winter months, it’s important to take extra steps to deter potential burglaries.

These are straightforward steps to minimize the risk of burglary:

  • Secure all windows and doors.
  • Install a monitored alarm.
  • Light up your home and use timer switches when out.
  • Fit a door viewer/chain/limiter.
  • Keep your front and back doors locked day and night.
  • Don’t keep spare keys outside – instead ensure your neighbour has a spare key for emergencies.
  • Photograph your personal belongings, e.g. jewellery and keep these on file.
  • Do not open your door to anyone before you’ve checked who it is and what they want.
  • Mark your property and record serial numbers where appropriate.
  • Do not leave strangers unattended at your door.
  • Ensure your back door is locked when you answer a call to your front door.
  • Do not keep large amounts of cash at home.
  • Know your neighbours, develop rapport and offer to keep an eye on each other’s homes,
    especially when away


November is Crime in the Community Awareness Month

Our homes are sanctuaries where we should feel safe and secure. During the winter months, it’s important to take extra steps to deter potential burglaries. Last week, Crimestoppers launched a new campaign to combat the problem of burglary in the community.

The campaign is calling on members of the public to be vigilant for suspicious activity and to make themselves aware of the straightforward measures they can take to minimize the risk of burglary:

  • Secure all windows and doors.
  • Sign up to your local Community Alert and Neighbourhood Watch schemes.
  • Install a monitored alarm.
  • Light up your home and use timer switches when out.
  • Fit a door viewer/chain/limiter.
  • Keep your front and back doors locked day and night.
  • Don’t keep spare keys outside – instead ensure your neighbour has a spare key for emergencies.
  • Photograph your personal belongings, e.g. jewellery and keep these on file.
  • Do not open your door to anyone before you’ve checked who it is and what they want.
  • Mark your property and record serial numbers where appropriate.
  • Do not leave strangers unattended at your door.
  • Ensure your back door is locked when you answer a call to your front door.
  • Do not keep large amounts of cash at home.
  • Know your neighbours, develop rapport and offer to keep an eye on each other’s homes,
    especially when away

There were 28,830 burglaries reported in Ireland last year to An Garda Siochana. Crimestoppers is asking members of the public to call 1800 25 00 25 if they see suspicious activity in their community. For more information on Crimestoppers, visit

Security – Please be vigilant for car thieves

Please be vigilant for attempted car break-ins.

It has come to our notice that a number of residents cars in Manor Close and Marley have had their cars broken into last Thurs night 16th July, Tuesday 23rd July. The matter has been reported to the Gardai and newly installed local security camera recordings will hopefully lead to the identity of the thieves.

We would like to reiterate the need for vigilance particularly in this holiday season

Do not leave anything valuables in the car, particularly if they are left in plain view

Please ensure that you check your car is actually locked at night.

One resident had a black leather laptop type bag taken which contained a number of books on hypnotherapy and some personal papers. These are of no value to anyone other than the owner as they are required by him in his business. If anyone has come across these, please let us know by contacting A jacket, which was also taken was located in a nearby hedge the following day. Nothing appears to have been taken from the other resident’s car.

Security this winter

We are always concerned for security for our fellow neighbours. We would ask you to be please be extra vigilant this winter. We have received warnings from other residents associations of thefts where one person diverts your attention at the front door and someone enters through the back door. Please do not let anyone one into your house who is doing sponsorship or selling. While most are doing their job, they should not be entering your house and there may be ulterior motives.  Please be extra vigilant this winter and ensure all alarms are activated when leaving the house even for short periods.


We are always concerned for security for our fellow neighbours. We would ask you to be please be extra vigilant this summer and let a neighbour know if you are away on holidays.  Ensure all alarms are activated when leaving the house even for short periods.  If you haven’t serviced your alarm in a while please do so to avoid unwanted false alarms and ensure your alarm works when needed. We have been alerted to an incident recently where two boys requested water at a door while collecting falsely on behalf of the GAA, they entered the house and subsequently stole money. Please do not let anyone one into your house is doing sponsorship or selling. While most are doing there job, they should not be entering your house and there may be anterior motives.